
Procrastination video

YouTube video on procrastination

February 25, 20244 min read
  • Richard

  • February 24, 2024


After procrastinating for three days, today I created a video on Zoom that I then transferred to YouTube. It’s a tapping video on an alternative way of thinking about procrastination. Sometimes procrastinating comes from a part of us that is protecting us – either from poor timing or from forced action. This video is about giving ourselves permission to tune in to our intuition about taking “inspired action,” rather than forced action.

It seems that most of the time when we hear the word “Procrastination” it’s used in a derogatory or negative sense. I’d like to present a alternative perspective – a perspective that at times is positive.

Self help books, videos, speeches, motivational speakers usually tell us to “just do it,” or at least focus on how to “overcome” procrastination, suggesting that we are being inefficient, sluggish or just plain lazy.

Even tapping or EFT videos suggest ways to overcome procrastination. I’d like to suggest that that part of us that wants to procrastinate is often our protector. And it’s protecting us from either one or both of these things.

1.     The timing is wrong for us.

2.     The action feels like a “should,” rather than an inspired action that lights us up.

Now, I will admit, that sometimes the action is the right thing to do and the timing is right or close to right – but I’m not talking about those times.


Our culture seems to be fascinated with moving forward, moving quickly, making things happen, even if we have to force ourselves to do it. Nature doesn’t work that way – it creates in cycles. Cycles of movement, cycles of hibernation and rest. Nature knows the right time for both action and the right time for dormancy.


Inspired action

Let’s tap on these two different parts of ourselves.

Setup statement: “even though a part of me wants to do this project, another part of me doesn’t want to move forward right now. And I choose to hold space and compassion for both parts of myself.”

“Even though a part of me wants to “get it done,” another part of me wants to sit on the couch and think about it some more.” And I choose to feel compassion for all parts of myself.”

“Even though a part of me wants to force myself to finish this project, another part of me wants to honor my feeling of not being ready right now.” And I choose to honor and accept all parts of myself and how I am feeling.”


Top of the head – One part wants to get it done

Eyebrow point – One part wants to wait

Side of the eye – I choose to hold compassion for both parts

Under the eye – Get it done

Under the nose – Not the right time

Under the lip – Do it now

Collarbone point – Do it later

Under the arm – Don’t do it at all


Top of head – Is this the right thing for me to do?

Eyebrow point – It doesn’t quite feel right

Side of the eye – Maybe someone else wants me to do this

Under the eye – Maybe it’s just my guilty conscience saying I need to do this

Under the nose – Maybe it’s my inner critic that’s saying I need to do this

Under the lip – My intuition is saying not the right time

Collarbone point – I want to honor my intuition

Under the arm – Inspired action isn’t the same as forced action


Top of head – Forced action doesn’t turn out right

Eyebrow point – I know that Inspired action has better consequences

Side of the eye – How can I tell which one it is?

Under the eye – Forced action causes tension and tightness in the body

Under the nose – Inspired action lights me up, gives me energy

Under the lip – I want to learn how to honor inspired action

Collarbone point – I want to let go of forced action

Under the arm – I know I can take the right action when the time is right


Top of head – Inspired action

Eyebrow point – Forced action

Side of the eye – On the right path

Under the eye – On someone else’s path

Under the nose – Sometimes action is the right choice

Under the lip – Sometimes inaction is the right choice

Collarbone point – I am in tune with my inner nature and awareness

Under the arm – Inspired action is the right choice


I would recommend meditating, walking in nature, petting your dog or cat, listening to inspiring music – whatever it takes to tune in to your intuition, so you can tell the difference between forced action, which is ineffective and inefficient and inspired action which leads to extraordinary consequences.


Thanks for listening

My name is Richard Dalke – Master’s level counselor and EFT Practitioner

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Deerhawk Enterprises, LLC

Richard V Dalke, MS

Counselor, coach, Clinical EFT Practitioner, author

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